"Walk in Love"
Trinity Stewardship Campaign 2025
Pledge FAQs
What is a pledge to Trinity? When you make a pledge, you are letting the parish leadership know how much money you intend to give to Trinity during a calendar year.
Can’t I just give to the church without making a pledge? Yes, but making a pledge helps the parish leadership team build the budget and make informed financial decisions.
After I make my pledge, how do I pay it? You can pay by check or cash by dropping your payment in the offering plate on Sunday mornings. If you pay by cash, please use a pledge envelope so that we can credit the payment to your pledge account. You can also send your check through the mail to the parish offices. If you’d like to pay by credit card or automatic withdrawal from your checking account, you can visit www.trinitycwe.org/donate. You can make one time payments at that site or set up automatic recurring payments.
Do I have to pay my pledge all at once? No. You can make payments toward your pledge at whatever rate is most convenient for you.
What does my pledge pay for? Your pledge sustains the mission and ministry of the parish by supporting the parish budget. The parish budget includes staff salaries, liturgical supplies, office expenses, Sunday school supplies, building maintenance, etc.
Does my pledge support Trinity’s Food Ministry? Your pledge does not directly support TFM’s budget. It does, however, help maintain the building that houses TFM.
Can I change my pledge amount? Yes. Circumstances change and you are welcome to change your pledge amount at any time. To do so, contact our Parish Administrator at bill@trinitycwe.org