Welcome to Trinity!

Welcome to Trinity!

Welcome to Trinity!
​Worship Schedule
8:00 AM Rite I - Eucharist
10:30 AM Rite II with music
(Liturgical Servers, click here for schedule.)
7:00 AM Eucharist
Food Ministry Schedule
Food Pantry and Take-Out Hot Meal
Tuesday 1:30-3 PM
Thursday 4-5 PM
Cafe (Drop in for a meal and conversation.)
Wednesday Noon-2 PM
Hot Lunch
Sunday 2-2:30 PM
Trinity is a progressive Episcopal Church where our commitment to the radical gospel of Christ calls us to worship God, welcome the seeker, sustain the faithful, and serve those in need.
Trinity is a community. As a community we pray and study scripture together. We learn, grow, and play together. We celebrate and eat together. We support and care for one another, and we share the love of Jesus with each other and our world.
Trinity is Anglo-Catholic. That means that our worship is rooted in the ancient traditions of the church. We chant our prayers, use incense, bells, and colorful vestments, observe the Holy Days in our church calendar, and enjoy beautiful choral music.​ But most of all, it means we believe that Jesus is found in the Bread and Wine at Communion, as well as among the people, especially the poor and vulnerable.
Children's Sunday School
Parish Office hours
Sunday 7-1
Wednesday-Thursday 8-4
Friday 8-Noon
Ramp access to our facilities is available from the parking lot on the east side of the church. Enter from the north via the alley and then make a right into the parking lot.